On Perfumes, Copyright and … Cheese

The development of a perfume is undoubtedly a laborious and complex process. Despite the fact that most prominent fragrances are coming under fashion brands, those same fashion houses are rarely deeply involved in the actual creation process. In the usual scenario, a designer brand would commission the development of a perfume with a specified profile…Продължи да четеш

Originality in computer programs

The originality requirement Within the EU, there is only one requirement for obtaining copyright protection for a computer program – the requirement for originality. Article 1 (3) of the EU Directive 2009/24 on the legal protection of computer programs (the Software Directive) reads that “[a] computer program shall be protected if it is original in…Продължи да четеш

The rise of NFTs and their interplay with copyright

The rise of NFTs The rise of NFTs and their recent incursion into mainstream territory reveals just one of the many layers of disruptive potential brought by blockchain technology and smart contracts. In a similar way as “blockchain” and “crypto”, “NFT” is now officially a buzzword with all the implications that this brings in terms…Продължи да четеш

Legal protection of designs

The visual appeal of a product plays a key role for its potential commercial success. Brands such as Apple and Alfa Romeo are a clear example how the design of a product can be used to elicit an emotional response from the consumer that could ultimately result in a purchasing decision. All this goes to…Продължи да четеш

Legal protection of databases

Data is the new currency in our contemporary digital era and as such it plays a vital role for the success of every business enterprise. Accordingly, databases are a key infrastructure component of the fast-growing digital economy. They are an important tool that could allow a business to harness and utilize the power of data…Продължи да четеш